Wednesday, March 18, 2009


I stuck with my plan for a WHOLE DAY!! no 'tweaking' it or
anything.. can I make it two days??

sent from my iPhone ;)

6 thoughts:

Anonymous said...

Awesome start LJM. The hardest part is getting back on the wagon.

Angie said...

lol at "tweaking". Is that what it's called when I have a giant bowl of ice cream every night?

Amanda said...

Great work. One day at a time.

salsa1877 said...

Good for you. I need to do the same thing. What is it after PS that made me go crazy and think that I could eat EVERYTHING!!!!

We need to stick to the plan together! I am back blogging and now facebooking so maybe we can keep each other honest. I certainly need the support.

She Smiles said...

Yes you can.

I need the inspiration so tell me you did, even if you didn't ;)

Sunshine2 said...

Good job girl!

So sorry to hear about your friend. Sounds like you loved her very much. Try and cherish the memories that you had, I know that doesn't take away the loss, but I hope if makes you feel better that you had such a good friend. Many people go thru life and never have a best friend. So sad, but true. Sounds like she was such a strong person go to thru all she did.