Saturday, November 15, 2008

is this selfish/stupid?

DH's family lives in Canada.. (they don't really like me per se cause
i'm not Chinese... *eyeroll*)... so needless to say, I was THRILLED
when they got 'web chat' and wanted to chat with DH via webcam... I
didn't really want anything to do with it... and since I was sore
from my massage (elbow deep tissue massage to shoulders) I took a warm

I come out and really hope they are finished... they were... he then
proceeds to tell me that his cousin and his wife are expecting their
2nd child... February 18th... WTF... I'm due the 13th... I don't
really know exactly what pisses me off... maybe because we're just
now finding out?? (DH's parents see them weekly)..

now this is really pathetic but now I'm really hoping for a boy for us
(this will be their second girl - boys are SOO important to the
culture and if Tigger's a boy, he would be the first...)

*sigh* just wanted to get that out I guess...

sent from my iPhone ;)

5 thoughts:

She Smiles said...

Oh man. I'd be super pissed off too that they are only telling you now, what gives with that?? I hate game players like that!!

Hope the massage was good even though it hurt!! (thats the kind I like!).

lori said...

maybe your in laws didnt mention his cousins having their second baby until now because since you had a history of miscarriages they didnt want to upset you in case your outcome wasnt a happy one.
like how i turned that around and made them sound wonderful? but i dont blame you for wanting a boy to smush in everybodys face.

christines iphone said...

LOL favorite. you did a great job turning it around... ummm, yeah... they're real considerate (this coming from the first weekend we met they asked how much i weighed)...

but thanks anyway... LMAO!!

it was 51/49 for a boy (due to us having SOOO many girl clothes, etc..), now it's more 60/40 for a boy.

Amanda said...

BOY! BOY! BOY!......

christines iphone said...

exactly... a boy can wear pink, right? and dresses on special occasions....