Saturday, November 22, 2008

names - the final 4... poll to the side

ok, so i create a poll for our 4 name choices...

we had a list of about 14 names, combined them to make first/middle name combinations that we liked and came up with about 10.... DH and I picked 3 each from the 10 and 2 of the combinations we chose were the same!

but... we're including the other 2 choices that only 1 of us picked ... (make sense? im really tired).... soooooo ... options are in the poll... any input would be appreciated...

take in consideration our last name is short (3 letters)...


4 thoughts:

She Smiles said...

Gooooooooooooo Joshua! hahaha!

Amanda said...

I really like Noam, it is unusual without being weird. It means something like strong friend.

christines iphone said...

i love all the names...

i didnt know the meaning of Noam - for those who dont know its pronounced like Noah but with an M...

Joshua Kellan is beating in all the polls...

Inspiration said...

So is it going to be Joshua Kellan? I didn't get to vote bc I am a slacker!!! Oh and about the "no sports" I think it's ok to put it there, but you may get some stuff anyway and will have to return it. Congrats on passing the diabetes are well on your way to having a healthy baby boy!