Sunday, December 14, 2008

but what would the neighbors say??

ok, so DD has hit the fuckinghorrible fives... today being the penultimate... we went to DH's race, all was ... ehh... ok... she started getting antsy about 10:15 ... right about when he was going to cross the finish line... i told her to 'suck it up', dad was running 13.1 miles and we could wait outside (it had warmed up - i wouldnt make her wait out in the cold for 20 minutes...) she got cranky and fussy...

well, DH crossed the finish line (YAY!!!) and we went back to the hotel... she started talking back to me - telling me no, "IM NOT GOING TO DO THAT MAMMA", etc.... we told my parents goodbye (another YAY!!) and went up to our hotel room for a time out. 'normal' time outs last 5 minutes - this one lasted for well over an hour... an hour of her screaming at the top of her lungs... we were ALLLL the way at the end of the hall and my DH heard her at the elevator.. she was literally screaming for absolutely no.reason.whatsoever.... NO REASON... she didnt want to go to time out... she finally chose the alternative to timeout and we checked out of the hotel and went to lunch...

apparently my very DD has a 'thing' for hotels... as in she wants to live in one... "I wanna go back to the hotel" no fewer than 200 times today... seriously...

we get home... time for a nap... she didnt want to and started back talking - again... "NO... I'M NOT GOING TO DO THAT".. bullshit again... time out... "NO!!! BLAH BLAH BLAH"... this time it only lasted about 1/2 an hour, but damn the child has lungs...

getting ready to go eat dinner ... (yes, we ate out 2 meals in a row **gasp**) she goes in our room (not allowed unless invited), i ask her to leave, NO!! BLAH BLAH BLAH AGAIN... dh puts her in time out (yup, again).... guess what - - another fit! lasting 10-15 mins, im fed up, DH is fed up and hungry... alternative to time out, done... she is still screaming i tell her to go outside... she's whiny-crying... we are in the driveway, i ask if she's finished... "NO"... ok, well you can just stay out here and cry and show everyone what a baby you are.... so she does ... and she screams ... blood curdling screams... im no where near her .... screaming for no reason... our neighbor comes out and looks at her ... i tell him that she's acting like a baby and to have a good look (yeah, i'm evil sometimes).... at that point i notice that its not just a neighbor - it's a NEW neighbor just moving in ... oh dear... **eyeroll**

so at dinner entering the restaurant, she's still crying... i have to take her to the car and i start buckling her in her carseat. "are we going back to the hotel??" - we've been ignoring that question since about 4pm... i say no, she starts to cry - again... i tell her if she keeps crying she can stay in the car while DH eats and i will stand outside of the car, she'll be in there all alone... those apparently are the magic words... she stops and says she is finished... i asked if she was sure cause it's a nice night and i can use the fresh air.... "YES"... so we went back to the restaurant, she's OK ... not great, but OK... she starts asking about that fucking hotel again i say no, she starts to cry, i just get the keys out and silence... hmmm.... what the hell am i going to do when it starts getting cold.?????

7 thoughts:

She Smiles said...

Oh boy. *hugs*

Anonymous said...

I have one suggestion for ya !
123 Magic , its a discipline system. The book takes about 1/2 a day to read and TRUST ME im not "OH lets read a book about how to take care of kids mom " at ALL but when my son was about 2 I was about to beat that child ! This book SAVED MY LIFE !
Its easy. quick and it WORKS !! !
I HIGHLY Recommend it ! Only thing i gotta say about it is , ya gotta stick with the system for about 2 weeks and your set !!
My son is the MOST Head strong child ( besides me , my parents say) and it still works for him !
Good luck girly , how is that little one baking ? He almost done yet ? LOL

christines iphone said...

been there done that... bragged about it... i did not like sending her to her room for her time outs... she played and it was "fun" for her, no biggie.... i still do the 1,2,3, but not to her room... she goes to a 'stool' that she is supposed to sit on... it doesnt work with just sitting on the floor, she likes to do head stands, etc...

Joshua is due on 13 February.... less than 2 months!! GAHHHH...

Anonymous said...

If it makes you feel any better, my DD is also acting the same way. We've done the 1,2,3 thing and she either plugs her ears or starts crying even louder and says, "PLEASE DON'T COUNT." It's the most pathetic site--like a beating comes after 3, instead of a time out. I can't wait until she outgrows this because preggo hormones and her mood swings do not mix well.

Anonymous said...

In the book it actually says its "Ok" for them to play if they go in their room . The reason is because its removing them from what ever situation they were in and it removes you from THEM ! and in my son's case at the time I NEEDED that as well LOL
But the important thing at the end is to tell them in a VERY Short senteance ( Or they wont listen ) Why they were in there . If they do not say they understand they go back .
email me if you want i can tell you more about it ? But i swear it works !

christines iphone said...

i tried it for four weeks... it stopped for a little bit, but she kept repeating the same things... she was EXCITED to go into her room to play...

she is IN TROUBLE ... i do not want her to play while she is in trouble...

both my primary care and her ped says no room... time out... my PCP even said put her in the corner...

Me said...

Can't you just lock her in the basement? ((Im KIDDING!!))
Oh do I remember those days.
There weren't many with my "angel" but they exist for everyone.
Is she still asking about the Hotel?
We would drive to Atlanta every few months (15 hours). DD also loved hotels.
Go figure.