Monday, December 15, 2008


ok so it's cold here.. below freezing... I went to starbucks to warm
up.. drive thru cause DD in car..

hhhhhhhiiiiiiiiiiii mmmmmmmyyyyyyyy nnnnnnnaaaaaammmmmmmeee
iiiiiisssss mmmmmmitttttcccchhhhh ccccccaaaaaannnnnnn iiiiiiiiii
innnnnnntrrrrrrredsssttt yoouuuuu innnnnnnnn.......

nope, not stuttering, just drawwwwwwwwn ouuuuttttttt
I finally interrupted him.. WTF mitch?? it's COLD!!!!

sent from my iPhone ;)

2 thoughts:

Beth said...

LOL, too funny! Either they talk so fast you can't understand them, or with such thick accents you can't follow... and now this. :)

Ang said...

Hahah too funny indeed!