Monday, October 1, 2007

yes, i know it has been quite awhile

new month, new attitude.

i havent been eating very well, not horribly but not as well as i should be.

i have pretty much stopped pro-actively losing weight. i eat OK and i exercise a little bit and hey! if i lose then there is a nice bonus. i've pretty much been losing/gaining the same 5 pounds the past several weeks though.

this stops now.

new 12 week challenge is starting today. i have not been to the gym since Thursday. i am going today after work and then have an hour scheduled w/ Steph tomorrow and Thursday. i need a nice kick in the pants.

so for the next 12 weeks i will:

  1. log everything that goes in my mouth
  2. work out a minimum of 4 days a week
  3. log my work outs
  4. complete 55 miles on the elliptical a month
  5. try to run 1-2 times a week (faster than 4.5 mph)
my goal for the 23rd of December is a very aggressive 230 pounds. that will be losing about 40-45 pounds in 3 months. extremely challenging, but do-able!! if i keep my act together!!

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