frustrated, did not want to work out again. i am getting shin splints and have to cut back on the 'quick walking' ...
workout summary - 784 cals
- cardio - treadmill for 34mins 02secs
- up to 8.0% incline
- up to 3.6 MPH
- Heartrate - Max = 140 (76%) Average = 131 (71%)
- 60 - 70% = 10min 29sec
- 70 - 80% = 23min 33sec
- 80 - 90% = ZERO
- Strength Training
- 12mins 19secs - 109 cals
- Heartrate - Max = 116 (63%) Average = 99 (54%)
- Stretching Exercises will be completed tonight
Overall an OK workout
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