Thursday, June 26, 2008

'cuter' pictures...

the baby is below the arrow in the last 2 pics

6 thoughts:

Ang said...

So coool, if you get the opportunity to get a 3D ultrasound done in your pregnancy I highly recommend it. I think the earliest they recommend for that is about 22+ weeks. It's pretty amazing. I went to my girl friends' and it's by far one of the neatest things I've ever seen.

She Smiles said...

Oooh how awesome. I am so excited for you!!

Amanda said...

Congratulations :) how exciting.

faithmd said...

Rowan is looking good!

Nurse Niki said...

Lookin' Good! Oh, and a heart rate of 135...hmmm, my guess is is a boy! Congrats again!

Anonymous said...

I'm over the moon happy for you!! I've got everything crossed (cept the legs hehehe) for you.