Friday, June 13, 2008

hCG levels

first test on 10June was 3059
second test - 12June was 5430

soooo, the numbers are going up. not doubling like they 'should', but going up a nice 'respectable' rate.

im really really trying not to worry.

really i am...

5 thoughts:

Jenn said...

followed the link here from LBT. I just want to say hang in there. My levels were REALLY low and I was freaking out. But I decided to just relax and let the baby grow. My levels never really did double, but in Nov. I had a perfectly healthy baby girl! Just think happy thoughts!


Anonymous said...

I am an avid reader of your blog.. because I truly think you're amazing (and don't try to tell me you're really not, because I know you are)..

I really hope this all works out for you. It's hard not to freak out.. but it's completely out of your hands right now and there's nothing you can do either way. But I dooooo hope this means that there will be a happy pregnancy in your future!! :D

I'll send good vibes your way :)

MicheleK said...

I'm praying for you! Stay positive honey. :)


salsa1877 said...

Toes, fingers, tongue???, legs, arms and eyes firmly crossed. I have lost all feelings in all of them. The numbers are going up so that is great news. We were camping this weekend, but I made DH drive to where his blackberry could get service just so that I could see how your numbers were going and if Frangi was out of surgery. Gosh you guys are so much like family!

Losing Jusme said...

thanks so much guys.

the 'morning' sickness (HA - morning my ass) is back in full force. its totally my fault. went grocery shopping on an empty stomach... i was out for quite awhile and **blush** resorted to a twix bar ... i know, could have made a better choice, but i havent eaten much since. super restricted.