Thursday, September 13, 2007

i dont want to talk about it..

ok, so last night i was craving everything under the sun ...

i gave in and had lots of sweets (apple fritters - those are bad and should be outlawed) for those of you who do not know what it is, basically it's dough with apple filling and then fried and glazed ... really healthy.

we then went to Olive Garden for dinner ... CARB OVERLOAD.

needless to say the scale is SO far up i think im going to puke. yes, i am retaining water like a mad woman, but geesh!!

i am staying strict low carb today and tomorrow and hopefully TOM will come and go by Monday's weigh in (hahahahahahahahahahaha!)

on a good note - we did measurements today. 1 3/4 down in my waist since last month! wooo hooo

0 thoughts: