Thursday, December 27, 2007

so fucking fed up

there was an LBT post from someone who had surgery 4-5 days ago ...

a different brilliant person posted the following:
man that's a long time to be on all liqids I had only 1 week on liquids second week soft soilds week three regular food , I say try some tuna in the second week just a tablespoon something that will stick to u and not hurt

WHAT ... THE ... FUCK?

i finally just completely lost it at the arrogance and stupidity of this poster and basically said who would you rather listen to, someone with horrid spelling and grammar or your surgeon.

i did end up taking it down, because it wasnt a RnR thread, she did see it and claimed
"wayne I guess if we all was prefect like her we would not be here. oh!by the way its called a typograhical error it happens to the best of us.thanks again for your input..."

other examples of her posts ... these are NOT typos ...
thank you so much for not being selfish for relizing that family comes first and that your brother love you so much and will do anything in the world for you . you finally relized that money is not everything and will not make you happly. we went though some much together, our lives and stories are amost exact I love you so much and will be there when your baby girl is born

I lose more eating soilds because I got full faster and the soup have so much salt it keeps the weight on you.

I seriously doubt that a tablespoon of tuna in the second or third week will kill someone or harm there lapband process.

well actually u did miss th MD after my name thanks for noticing, and I know he would mine because I ask already thanks for you input.

and i KNOW i am far from perfect but good fucking god... typos ??? ummm, i didnt know you could typo correct words when you meant different ones... the soup have so much? that last one just has me seeing stars .. ?????

0 thoughts: