Monday, May 12, 2008

12May08 workout

totally suck ass day. SUCK ASS... totally SUCK ASS ...

suck suck suck ass....
my average speed was 3.4 MPH ... ick. less than a quarter mile out, my ankles started to ache. i got distracted for a minute and totally missed the street i needed to turn on and had to change my route which extended it by almost a mile.

my arms and shoulders ache from yesterday, i am going to take tomorrow off from running (ha - walking) and maybe swim if i can ...

4 thoughts:

She Smiles said...

Hey, hey, give yourself a break, you gotta remember that you did a BIG run/walk not too long ago, you're allowed to ease back into it.

If I don't suck, then you DEFINITELY don't.

Me said...

I can only hope to achieve what you have so far.....
Truly, an inspiration.
I only "walked" for a mile and a half today..and HA, only got logged credit for .3

You're sore from working out.

You should feel better tomorrow.
Are you stretching?

lori said...

suck ass???? take out your before, after, during pictures and cover up your face. now objectively look at that woman in those pictures. are you not totally amazed at what the girl in those pictures has done for herself? 'cause the rest of us sure as hell are. and you just keep plugging away, running or walking or swimming or going to the gym etc... i wish your motivation could be contagious like the plague.

Ang said...

I agree with the others, there's nothing suck ass about it girlie!!

4.54 miles, no matter if you run, walk, crawl or roll is pretty damn fantastic.

You are doing so great and you should be so proud of how far you have come and all your accomplishments, you truly are an inspiration.