well I went for another fill yesterday.. I've been VERY hungry
lately... so she fills me, makes me swallow that shit (sorry - no
other way to describe it), says 'OK, done'. I ask her to put a tad
bit more in cause I can always handle more than they think I can, she
says 'sure'.. adds more and then ... HERE, drink more barium... WTF!??
soooo I drank 2 cups of barium yesterday and my poor body is feeling
it. gas pains woke me up last night they were so bad... maybe I
should say poor DH though.. gas has to go somewhere.. ew.
more later..
sent from my iPhone ;)
3 thoughts:
I'm glad I am not the only one that can clear a room after drinking that stuff. That was the best part of the total unfill barium!
Hope this is the fill that gets you back to where you need to be. Wishing you luck!
What did the swallow show? Do you have restriction again?
Ick! I know its gross, but just be prepared for when it comes out the other end! Boy oh boy is that an event! When I had it a few weeks back it was awful!!
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