Friday, January 2, 2009

so I've been admitted

which I guess is better than COMMITTED, but ehh.. yeah, I'm TRYING to
be funny...

blood pressure all day has been quite high.... so at 4, I called my
doc and the nurse said go to labor & delivery NOW... *sigh* DH is
still at work, etc... I get him home, pack - just in case - and load
up iPhone with movies... all of which I've probably seen 10+ times...

off to L&D triage .. it's FULL!! wait a little bit... they see me,
lay on left side, monitor.. BP does go down, lab results look
good... woooo hooo .. I'm going home... until nurse talks with
doctor... I 'get' to stay for the weekend... just found out maybe
more.... *sigh*... if I wanted a break from DD, all I had to do was
ask DH ... ;)

soooo that's the story so far....

sent from my iPhone ;)

7 thoughts:

Anonymous said...

OH GIRL Be careful and i hope you can go home soon , staying in the hospital is not fun . My best friend was there for weeks due to placenta aburuption and it was not fun.
I had the starts of pre ecplampsia with my second son so i know a little about how that crap goes. I was in early labor 7 times w/ it.
I hope you get to go home and be careful !! Look at it like this , A BREAK !! LOL L

Anonymous said...

You're in my thoughts and prayers. I hope they can get your BP under control and you can come home. (((((())))))

She Smiles said...


Just email me if you need a distraction. You and Joshua will come out of this 100% fine *hugs*

lori said...

they are being extra cautious with you which is what you want. better safe than sorry. anyhow enjoy your rest now. soon you will be racing around and loving it.

Anonymous said...

Just a note to let you know I'm thinkin bout ya. Everyting's gonna be alright.

Anonymous said...

How are you doing today ?
Been thinking of you !

christines iphone said...

thanks ladies! bp looks good when I'm on my side, I'll post an update now... :)