Monday, December 29, 2008

Things you may not know about me ....

(thanks She Smiles)
yes, it's taken me this long to work on this ...

- you can count the number of people i've slept with on one hand ... being fat and self-conscious ... not a good thing for sex.

- i thought i've been in love with 3 people

- in actuality, i've only TRULY been in love with 2 - one of them my DH and one my first...

- i've betrayed and i've been betrayed, both sides suck.

- i met my DH on the internet in 1996

- we met IRL for the first time February 21, 1998 and were married February 25, 1998.

- i really dont have a favorite color

- i love to read but rarely 'find' the time

- i LOVE to eat... im a huge sweet eater and volume eater...

- the real reason i run and work my ass off is so i can eat more.

- i tend to lose my temper and fly off the handle... i tend to scream and shout and then feel horrible.

- i jump to conclusions without rationally thinking - well i guess that would be the definition of jumping to conclusions **eyeroll**

- i am becoming more and more computer illiterate... even simple things that i could once do (registry edits, etc...) escape me...

- i cannot STAND bell peppers - green/red/yellow whatever ... they literally make me gag

- i've met Tori Amos back stage twice and bawled thru both experiences

- i have a plan to lose the weight after DS is born but am petrified that i wont follow it and will end up huge again.

- DH and i adopted DD from China in February 2005

- im concerned that somehow i will love DS more than DD because he's "mine"... irrational i know, but it still scares the crap out of me

OMG ... how can i forget this one???
- i LOVE sex with DH - - right now cannot.get.enough....

3 thoughts:

She Smiles said...

Yep, gotta hate those peppers and jumping to conclusions ;)

Tori! Wow!

And yeah, both sides suck....


She Smiles said...

Yes, how could you forget that one! LOL

Gloucester said...

As far as the computer illertacy thing - me, too! I used to be the techie one, and could do anything...Okay, on Windows 95 (SE).

But, XP...and !GASP! Vista??? Oh, crap. I'm old all of a sudden.
