Saturday, August 11, 2007

so this whole "free day" issue ...

well, it worked for me. in a very nice way.

i am now almost 120 pounds down! gack!! 30 more to go til my next mini goal of 150 gone. i hope to be able to do it by October 8 - my 'bandiversary'

i did come up with some guidelines for my free days... i think i will limit them to twice a month.

"Free Day" guidelines

Day Before
- work out
- cals below 1200
- carbs below 10

Day Of
- work out

Day After
- work out
- cals below 1200
- carbs below 10
- HYDRATE!!!!!!!!

2 Days After
- work out

by hydrate i mean 100 or more ounces of liquid a day

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